The police had obtained a warrant to search the client’s house for evidence of drug trafficking. On the morning of the day the police were to execute the warrant the client was observed leaving his house in a vehicle registered to him. A number of what the police refer to as “hand to hand” transactions were observed. The client was pulled over in his vehicle and arrested. A search of the vehicle turned up significant amounts of cash and heroin. Minutes later other police officers entered the client’s house under the authority of the warrant. Substantial amounts of cocaine and money were found during the search. Client was charged with possession for the purposes of trafficking both heroin and cocaine. Mr. van der Walle was able to identify a number of problems with the warrant and the grounds for the arrest. The Crown opted to stay the proceedings (effectively “dropping” the charges) a couple of weeks before the preliminary inquiry was set to begin. No trial necessary. Client did not do a day in jail and even had the cash found at his home during the search returned to him.

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